


15B Middlebrook Avenue,  Staunton, VA 24401

Rev. Alan Lipscomb

Where We Are

The Anglican Church of the Valley is a welcoming, Bible-based, Protestant Christian church that continues the faith, liturgy and traditions of the Anglican Communion, a worldwide group of churches with roots in the Church of England.  It is a member of the Anglican Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, a diocese of the Anglican Church in North America [ACNA]. We use the beautiful new ACNA 2019 Book of Common Prayer with traditional hymns from the 1982 Hymnal..​

Contact Us

Join Us Sunday

The Anglican Church of the Valley is holding services in the Sanctuary of Staunton's Temple House of Israel at 11 a.m. each Sunday. Bible Study/Sunday School is at 10 a.m. in the community room of the Temple.  Light refreshments and fellowship follow the service. We welcome visitors to our Bible Study, our services and our fellowship. Please join us.  

Who We Are

The Rev. N. Alan Lipscomb


Weekly Services

Copyright 2021. Anglican Church of the Valley. All Rights Reserved  Or call -  540-466-8484                                               .

Church Bookstore Is Open

The Anglican Church of the Valley holds regular Sunday worship services at the beautiful and historic Temple House of Israel, 15 North Market Street, in Staunton, Virginia. The Temple is in the block immediately to the North of the Stonewall Jackson Hotel and the American Shakespeare Center. We look forward to your visit.  If you need help finding us call 540-466-8484.

The Church Office and Wisdom Bookstore is located at 15B Middlebrook Avenue, Staunton, VA, 24401.

As part of its ministry and as a service to the community, The Anglican Church of the Valley operates a Christian bookstore - the Wisdom Bookstore - along with its Church Office at 15B Middlebrook Avenue in Staunton. The store - right across from the noted Depot Restaurant - has an excellent collection of books on Christian art, history, scripture, prayer, liturgy and literature. [For more information and hours click here.]

Vicar, The Rev. Alan Lipscomb

We are a close knit and welcoming community, with many retired clergy, military and lawyers in our
midst. We look out for each other and are always ready to lend a helping hand in times of difficulty or
crisis. I hope you will consider paying us a visit and get to know us better.

You Are Most Welcome

Thank you for visiting the Anglican Church of the Valley website!

We worship in accordance with the Anglican Church of North America’s 2019 Book of Common Prayer. Our service is traditional and vibrant, featuring hymn singing, scripture readings, scripture based preaching and a reverent celebration of the Lord’s Supper where we fulfill Jesus command to “Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you: Do this in remembrance of me.”  (Matt. 26:26, 1 Cor. 11:24)  We practice open communion, so any baptized Christian who repents of their sins and recognizes Christ’s true presence in the sacrament is welcome at the Lord’s Table. We print the entire service in our worship aid each Sunday, so it is easy for visitors to follow along.

We are a community of traditionally minded Christians who are pleased to be able to worship in the Temple House of Israel Synagogue which always serves to remind us of our continuity with the faithful of past ages. We gather at 10 am on Sunday mornings for an Adult Study Group followed by a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 11. 

  • 10 am ​
    Adult Sunday School

    Community Room

  • 11 am
    Holy Eucharist
    Temple Sanctuary
    Followed by coffee hour